I love songs which have multiple switches. By switch up I mean songs that have different tunes through it. What are your favourite switch up songs?
Mine are:
Child In Time, Deep Purple (heard this for the first time around 30 years ago and it blew my mind)
Band On The Run, Wings
Good Vibrations, Beach Boys
Saw Purple perform live in the 70s, tigger, and CIT was absolutely brilliantly done. It left the album version for dead.
BoRap takes some beating though for multiple switches though many of Queen's earlier songs were also noted for this, particularly 'Liar'.
I've seen it described in terms of letters. If a normal song goes A B A B C A B where you've got verse, chorus, middle 8 as ABC, these songs just go A B C D E F etc etc. Very clever to write a song like that.