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How do you simply share the actual video without the link?
1st time?
Question Author
From my tablet
let's see...

Question Author
Not first time. I used to do it from the address bar.
okay, it may be the tablet, but it's put a full stop in the middle of "" and that's probably what has provided a link rather thant he actual video. I did it from my desktop.
Copy and paste the address from the adress box. It starts http.
Question Author
Still perplexed!!
Are you on a phone, Lottie?

Question Author
There lem is the app doesn't show the address box?
I think I have the same problem when I use the ipad.
Question Author
The problem.

I'm on my tablet
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Question Author
Done it.

There was no reason for posting that video. Its just that he's one of my favourites!

Thanks folk x
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Failed again!

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