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In My Element...........

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MissTerious2 | 00:13 Tue 27th Dec 2022 | Music
52 Answers
Watching The Stones in the Park 2013. Channel 5.


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Hi Gness - love both of them too :-)
I do not understand how anyone can like the Oh So Pleased with Himself Mr Fry gness. Can't stand him. Liked him at first but quickly went off him.
Takes me back to some of the happiest days of my life.
LB - got some opera dvds for Xmas - looking forward to them
Oh Brilliant. What did you get?
He’s clever and articulate, that’s a winner for me, LB. If you know about him you couldn’t think he was pleased with himself.
How are you feeling? So many unwell folk on AB just now.
Tosca twice - doh!

Madame butterfly
My last post obviously didn’t wor

Madame butterfly
La boheme
Yep, hope your improving, lb. I feel a bit better today but still tested positive to covid :-(
Hey ooop, whats with all this opera stuff.
I've watched him on TV same as other have gness and I can't even remember what he was doing this one time but I switched him off he annoyed me so much. I've never bothered with him since. I know he's clever but that makes no difference.

Thanks for asking but I'm still feeling really rough. Coughing is the worst. You know what I mean when I say you cough and cough and can't get rid of the itch in your chest? Antibiotics finished today and still feel the same.
Anyhoo, I'll post a couple of my favorite Stones tunes.
So the whole opera or the famous arias from them Toorak? And by famous singers, old or new? Nosy aren't I:-(
The whole operas :-)
No famous singers as far as I can tell
I only use Carrageen Moss for coughing. Always have done but you’d need to read about it first as it doesn’t suit all. Guess you can get it in the UK. I had it sent but can gather my own now.
Oh sorry I didn't see what you'd posted. Beautiful. Lucky you. BTW I love your avatar. Just the sweetest looking kitten.
Thanks GN I'll check that out in the morning. Never heard of it. Anything to relieve my chest.

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