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How it Works6 mins ago
It keeps moving forward when spinning even on 800rpm! I've pushed it back into place each time, but now I have no strength left. If I don't move the machine back in place, then we can't open our freezer door (as they're opposite each other - we have a tiny kitchen). I even put down rubber door stops at the bottom of the machine, but still it moves 🤷. It went through a phase for a few years where it was fine! I daren't wash anything more and will have to replace it.
I just wondered please if anyone has any ideas? TIA.
I bave posted with exactly this problem before. And my sons have tried all suggestios including making sure its absolutely level. Nothing semss to work.. Im reluctantly considering buying a new one. Im just out of hospital anf in my 90s and fed up qith it. Its been a good machine and hasnt always had this fault. I sympathise.
We had the same problem - our washer is located behind a kitchen unit door and it started to move forward and push the door open.
Simple solution - I fixed a few pieces of 2" x 1" wood to the floor to stop it moving. One piece on either side of the washer and two pieces at the front, close to the sides - each piece held in place with 2 small screws.
Each piece of wood is approx 3" in length and they effectively box the washer in and keep it in place.
It works a treat and the washer doesn't move at all.
The wood is easy to get to so when we eventually need a new washer, the wood can easily be removed.
I wouldn't rush out and buy one just yet. If it still works okay, it'll be fine once you've stopped it doing a merry dance.
Ours still males a lot of noise and vibration (nothing clunky, just noise and vibration from the drum spinning), but it still works fine and stays in place with the pieces of wood that I put down :)
Try googling spin dryer vibration pads'. eg. User Recommendationref=sr_1_20?crid=1M051VTZZ558Z&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QHMGwH6SKWg9COMaajbBXtuB-_6HuwAHIzFXgBzkXr4Q-mHET4Xzn-bFFLpepQbF9D7kvbXQMhycSxrr1UrLMoYPpDZDUUGZVTSL7Wj7AEUoiB72QrKQ60FZnUa1Z50wSqnWioCVLte50LgMW6vwXhWN5S1Nk6yK_f3FMvjcSQ6DXv6WMulQNZ2JV-QbZZI6JkStPViXbQAfuBGMtBsUa22xrX1HhzLByTjhZqswdSogBDpi9fi-56sJJgN_X2R_47Xc5f7TVJ-pMFbMrBIgMmF4Ba1e_1nkASBwUJpxYauINezhhFZeWRAFoKks3nNM3VoBIu0v2cxMz-vy1U3mxoclbqZd9D1Cx9yLcTxMRXk.0SdnYYtEMbaQ6gF3wuLD7_Z0shIkUyJNJBbzMTND_B8&dib_tag=se&keywords=rubber+matt+for+spin+dryer&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1737459955&s=kitchen&sprefix=rubber+matt+for+spin+dryer%2Ckitchen%2C157&sr=1-20