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Danny boy?

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DannoUK | 22:14 Fri 10th Feb 2006 | Music
7 Answers
Capital Radio in London played a mellow track earlier and I have no clue who or what it was but the chorus had the words Danny Boy in it a lot.... Help!


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yeah its a gr8 song its 'Chumbawumba - I get knocked down'
yep its chumbawumba - great song!
The title is "tubthumping"
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Sorry no, its definitely not Chumbawumba tubthumping.. its much more of a slow mellow song... thanks for your help!
I take it it isnt actually "danny boy" the song then, or am I being silly?

It might be The Feeling. The songs called Sewn. It says it quite a lot through the song. Hope this helps
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Excellent! Thats the one (not Danny Boy but thanks anyways DTR123) it is The Feeling - Sewn.

Thanks loads.

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Danny boy?

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