what is the name of this Christmas song? in The AnswerBank: Music
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what is the name of this Christmas song?

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Sasha13 | 16:03 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Music
5 Answers

It's beautiful and I need to get a copy... some of the lyrics are...

Fall on your knees
O hear the angels' voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born

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O Holy Night

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thank you so much.

Faith Hill does a crackin' version!

This is my favourite christmas hymn. Katherine Jenkins (welsh opera singer) does a beautiful haunting version of it which you can find on one of her albums. Andy ( X Factor) also done a nice rendition of it on the show. But I think the best versions are by female or childrens choirs. You have excellent taste.

There's a version out by Il Divo, and there was a great version by Andy on the XFactor(!)

The best version I ever heard was in Home Alone though.

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what is the name of this Christmas song?

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