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Jools Holland

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bobh52 | 13:41 Wed 06th Nov 2002 | Music
3 Answers
That great piano player Jools Holland. Can any one tell me what bands he has played in.


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well first and foremost Squeeze was his main band through the 70s and 80s though he has a few album released recently under his own name he has loads of uncredited studio playing so he appears in lots of stuff including some charity events of note.
I had to be almost dragged to his show with his Rhythm n' Blues Orchestra, but I can honestly say it was the most brilliant, loudest and the most fun show ever. What a showman - and the boogie, Mmm!!!!
Ah Squeeze - Cool for Cats on the 'prostitute pink' 7 inch vinyl!

Saw JH and his Rythm and Blues Orchestra at Kew a couple of years ago. His son played piano on a couple of songs to and he is also amazing. It threw it down though and I got completely soaked!


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