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Summer (The First Time)

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Birchy | 11:37 Mon 09th Dec 2002 | Music
4 Answers
Probably no real answer, but why does an American song about an American boy seeing 'the sun rise as a man' etc. use the word 'pavement' instead of 'sidewalk'? 'the pavement was steaming' is the line......???


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I think (and I could be horrendously wrong) that they call the road a pavement.
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Lawdy, Miss Clawdy......I dread to think of what answers I'd have received if I'd tried the GuessBank! Thanks all. Like I said....there's probably no real answer....
Real answer; (married to an American); The road is called the pavement! Just like they call crisps, chips [and a toilet is a restroom] well, I thought a bedroom was a restroom. No wonder she spends so long in there, sleeping!

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Summer (The First Time)

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