what's r'n'b song is it? in The AnswerBank: Music
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what's r'n'b song is it?

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turquoise | 22:57 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Music
4 Answers
ok this is a long shot but i'm gonna try anyway. Yesterday, around 15.50pm, a song came on Kiss 100 FM. It is a black female singer it's an R'n'B song, and the music starts of like a xylophone playing (ding ding ding ding). I don't know any lyrics to it and I want to know who sings it and what the name of the song is. If anyone out there remembers or know what I'm talking about that would be great if yu could tel me who it is, cos the song has been in my head and I really like it!

Many Thanks! x
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What key were the dings in?
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oh omg, er... the first one goes ding (high), ding (medium), ding (low), ding (lowest). If that makes any sense lol. And i'm sure some of the lyric says "returning my call", something ike that. Though i'm not so sure.
slow or fast?
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I found the song now, it's called Me and You, by Cassie! Thanks for your help and effort though! x

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what's r'n'b song is it?

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