It has a few different versus.
My hyland goat was feeling fine, it ate 3 shirts from off the line,his master jack ,gave him a whack & tied him to, the railway track, the whistle blew, the train drew nine, my highland goat was sure to die.
My highland goat, not a chicken but a goat,
Was feeling fine, not bad but fine,
It ate 3 shirts,not skirts but shirts,
From off the line, not a wire but a line,
His master Jack,not Mack but Jack,
Gave him a whack,not a smack,but a whack,
And tied him to ,not from, but to,
The railway track, not a line, but a track,
The whistle blew, not red, but Blue,
The train drew nine,not five,but nine,
My highland goat,not a chicken, but a goat,
Was sure to die,not live but die.
My high land goat ee oat ee oat ee oat ee oat
was feeling fine ee i nee i nee i nee ine
Hope this helps