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soundtrack single!

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wickedgirl | 20:51 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Music
4 Answers
hey! i'm looking for a song!! i'm finding it pretty hard to find as i actually dont know who sang it or what its called!! all i know is it was from a movie last year,i think it was some action movie and it was sang buy a woman, blonde,very attractive of coarse! i think it was her only hit, the song was very catchy, and quite rockin!but a bit poppy aswell! if you can help at all i greatly appreciate it!!its wreckin my head!!!


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Are you on drugs?
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yes but thats beyond the point but ITS O.K PEOPLE!! DONT WORRY-I GOT IT!! I FIGURED IT OUT MYSELF! (F.Y.I. it was ana johnsson-we are!it was used i spiderman 2!!) bye! :0)
Glad to hear you found the song you were looking for!
I couldn't have helped even if you had been more specific with your question, i haven't seen spiderman 2, you see. I saw spiderman but i thought it was a bit rubbish so spiderman 2 didn't appeal to me.

Is it any good?
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yeah its pretty good! rent it tonight and let me know if u agree!!

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soundtrack single!

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