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Guitar Buzzing. I need help!!!

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The Vortex | 20:58 Wed 13th Sep 2006 | Music
3 Answers
My Electric Guitar is creating a buzzing sound on the 6th string (low E) whenever I play on the first 3 frets. It looks like it is vibrating off another fret. Could anyone give me any advice or a site that tells me how to solve this problem? Many thanks in advance! Oh by the way, I've tried replacing the string and the problem is exactly the same!


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The same thing happened to me a while ago and I followed this advice which I found on a guitar website and it worked a treat:

Take a bit of paper or aluminum foil and fold it up into a tiny square. Loosen the offending string, and stick the paper or foil between the string and either the bridge or the nut, depending on where the buzz started. Tune the string back up to pitch and try playing each fret on the string again. If you still get buzz, make a slightly thicker square of paper or foil and try again. Repeat the process until the buzz stops.

putting paper under the string is a possibility, but really you need someone to look at it.. guitar shops do this, although it can cost quite a bit (once �30 for something i needed fixed) you should be able to get it done cheaply if you go to the right place.

small shops are usually the best for price, while still being good at what they do.

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Guitar Buzzing. I need help!!!

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