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Radio 3

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pigface | 15:59 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Music
7 Answers
What type of person listens to Radio 3?

Does anyone here listen to Radio 3?

I don't believe that I ever have met anone who listens to it.


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Well, you have now!!

Radio 3 is probably the station I listen to most of all.

It also has an extremely wide range of music but principally encompasses classical, jazz and 'world' music and each of those types includes within them a huge range of styles. I can't believe that there won't be something there that you'll like.

And some excellent drama.
If you really want to know what makes R3 listeners tick, have a look at this:
Make a start with Andy Kershaw on Sunday nights just to get the hang of tuning in. I have my alarm clock radio set to Radio 3, so I don't have to be woken up by Dido or John Humphries.
"Dido or John Humphries" - has that phrase EVER been used before?!!
What type of person?" Well, i'm a 50's R&R lover but also listen to R3,classic fm,country music,so I guess you can say,someone with a diverse open minded taste in music
great question pigface - I have often wondered myself!

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Radio 3

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