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SeaJayPea | 17:10 Wed 11th Oct 2006 | Music
12 Answers
Hi, I got this link from a queston on here a few days ago that I can't find any more. It's driving us mad. It's one of these Excel spreadsheet things. There are 270 bands pictured, and we've got them all except numbers 23, 33, 89, 90, 169, 172, 227, 234, 238, 250, 253, 259 and 263. Does anybody have the time and lack of a life to have a look at them? emptyquiz.xls

Thanks in advance


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250 - The Calling
23. The Wonder Stuff
33. Living In A Box
89. The Spin Doctors
90. Pearl Jam
169. The Pasadenas
172. Marmalade
227. Air Supply
234. Ned's Atomic Dustbin
238. Jesus Jones
250. The Calling
253. Space
259. Reef
263. Ugly Kid Joe

There y'go .. all finished ... Naz x
23 The Wonderstuff
33 Living in a Box
89 Spin Doctors
90 Pearl Jam
169 Pasadenas
172 Marmalade
227 Air Supply
234 Ned's Atomic Dustbin
238 Jesus Jones
253 Space
259 Reef
263 Ugly Kid Joe
Lol, Naz beat me to it - guess that we were using the same sources!
Question Author
What can I say guys, that's brilliant. I can now let all the staff go home.

Thanks so much
Sounds good Seajay - as long as you're not in charge of a maximum security prison that is?? Eek !!
I've been trying to get 227, 234 and 238 for about a year!
Question Author
Good point, Chelsea. One or two of them will just have to stay, football or no football.
Chelsea ... i wasn't using ''sources''.

I removed the password protection from the Excel file, saved it as a web page, the opened it in Dreamweaver to see all the answers ...

Yep, you got it ... I cheated a bit.
I still need two answers - can someone help? They are 209 and 245
Shineybomb, 209 is Danny Wilson (Remember their big hit from the late 80s 'Mary's Prayer' ?)

245 is Bad Company.
I don't think I would ever have though of either of those. I do remember the song but not their name. Quite a good song actually. Thank you, SB

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