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trakcab | 19:25 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | Music
5 Answers
Did anyone hear Meatloaf on the radio today, was he stoned or what ? he could bearly string two words or answer a question properly. The band and backing singers sounded great he was cr@p.


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I thought he sounded a bit slow if you know what I mean.I also thought Ken Bruce was so up his guests a......
Hello trakcab , I don't know if it was the same thing that you heard ,I heard a version of ' paradise by the dashboard light ' on the Ken Bruce show this morning. . Apparently it was a live performance it was not very good at all and I waited to see who had done this awful cover of a brilliant track, only to hear it was indeed Mr Loaf. I was surprised.
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Must have been the same he couldn't be that bad twice
I heard a live version of Bat Outa Hell. Must've been the same programme. It was dire!!! The new album is out on Monday. Anybody heard it yet?? I hope those tracks aren't an example of what's to come.
meatloaf cr@p ? theres a surprise !!!!

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