Can anybody tell me of any electric violin orchestras or composers? Ive the likes of Ed Allyne Johnson and vanessa mae in my music collection. I'm hoping to expand this taste yet finding it hard to know what is out there.
Jean-Luc Ponty has done quite a bit of good stuff if you don't mind a bit of Classical / Jazz / Fusion crossover. He has also played with a number of other acts inc. Frank Zappa.
If you'd like to explore straight "modern" jazz then one of the best known electric violinists was Stuff Smith. In the 1950s he recorded with Dizzy Gillespie and others. One of my favourite tracks by him is Rio Pakistan. Give him a try.
there used to be a canadian guy called Nash the Slash (honest) he supported Gary Numan in 1981 and was covered in bandages but he played electric violin there was also that guy in ELO called Violinski