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TRIPLETRIPLE | 04:03 Wed 29th Nov 2006 | Music
3 Answers
how would i get a track played on radio 1


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Barge in and demand they play it

or whatever music it is, send a copy of it to the relevant DJ who plays that kind of music

But dont think youre the only one trying to do this...Im sure they get CDs everyday in the post with people imploring them to play the CD

So unless your tune is something thats going to stand out...very slim chances.
Or pay them loads of money !
Radio one operate three play lists,A, B and C. Tunes on the A list get played as a priority and its a sliding scale after that. Out of the current A-play list only 8 of the tunes appear in the national Top 20. 6 of those tunes are what I would describe as 'dance music'.

If you are unsigned then try local radio.

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