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John Lennon

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donegal | 15:34 Tue 20th Feb 2007 | Music
17 Answers,, 1662138,00.html Found this on net. Go to the bottom of the page and look at what Julie Burchill said. What a bad thing to said!! What do you think?


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Kind of agree with her in a way! (sorry) Though I certainly wasn't pleased he was dead.

I've never understood the fascination with him myself- as a band The Beatles were unique and awesome but him on his own? Meh!
Well, he was no saint.

But Julie Birchall makes her living from being edgy and controversial. She's so predictable.

She'd probably call her own mother a ropey old crack-slag if she thought anyone would bother to read it.
I think the gay bashing comment may have been a bit out of turn cause I thought he was supposedly bisexual.
I have never really understood why he is the "favourite" Beatle. I have always been a bit of a Paul fan (out of the 2 ), I think Lennon gets far to much credit for what they did "together". I think saying she was pleased he was dead went a bit far, maybe she didnt care would have been better.

I suppose if he was my dad or another relative I wouldn't have been too pleased..even if what she had written was true!

However, I have no feelings in particular towards JL so it doesn't bother me..
I agree, Goodsoulette.

I think George Harrison was the second most talented Beatle after Paul :o)
John Lennon is one of my all time heros and i agree with you donegal, its a disgusting thing to say you are pleased that any one has just been shot dead let alone the father of a little boy, and as for that stuff she said about him, who knows whats true as regards him being a wife beater. No, john was no angel but in my opinion, he was a musical genius and always will be!!!!

*runs and hides from Unrulie's wrath*
ahhh Pippa, each to their own! but say it again and they'll be trouble LOL Now go run and hide, bad pippa!!!!!!!
I did purposefully seek out the Dakota building in NY, unrulie. I was interested in seeing where he lived, and found myself thinking 'wow'.

Does that mean I am forgiven? also, I quite like 'Starting Over' ;o)
well, i'll think about it and get back to ya ;-)

He's just one of those men that send shivers down my spine when i hear him sing. Starting over is a lovely song as is Woman, Imagine and beatiful boy and number 9 dream and ....shall i go on.......???? maybe not but you get my drift! LOL

I would love to see the dakota building, also where they filmed Rosemarys baby but i guess you know that anyway!

Pippa, i have decided, i like ya too much, forgiven!!! OK! ;-)
Crikey, how easy was that? phew.. LOL.

Thanks hun ~ yep, I knew about Rosemary's Baby being filmed there. Actually it was Mr P who wanted to see the Dakota more than I did (along with the Chrysler building etc) as he is very much into Architecture.

While he was oohing and aaahing I was thinking 'oh, JL lived and died there'. It was quite a bizarre moment!
Now that would do me Pippa, i went funny standing outside the cavern in Liverpool and its not even the original one!!! lol If i stood on the spot where Lennon died i would feel all sorts of emotions.
See, i think you did get a bit of the lennon magic didnt you !Bizarre indeed. He's a legend!!!! :-)
I dunno about George is second place, Ringo Starr keeps my boys entertained for hours. "hes a very useful Beatle indeed"
ha ha ha!!!!

nice one, unrulie :o)
Lets face the facts, people who are unware of John Lennon as a member of the Beatles do not fully understand music, they may like the odd catchy song. No John Lennon, No Beatles, no Queen, no U2, No Oasis and the list is endless.
I know nothing of Julie Burchill but some people will just say a remark to gain publicity. Ignore it.
I went to a wedding last year at the Danubuis hotel in St Johns Wood and a north london disco called Juice had two wonderful Dj's who explained to me within minutes what the Beatles meant in terms of influrence and they were amazing. I went out the next day and bought everything.
Nice one Fish, but .....No Elvis, No Beatles plus all the ones you`ve mentioned..oh..... and add Cliff to that

Just thought I`d add that for the Cliffsters on here

As for Julie Burchill...she made a programme about how wonderful chavs were.....enough said
While I'm not a huge fan of John Lennon (and if someone told me I'd never hear Imagine again I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep), I still think he was a far more talented and worthwhile human being than that pointless hack Julie Burchill.

"Imagine there's no Heaven, it's easy if you...". Oh s0d off.

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