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Busy Doing Nothing

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Veronica123 | 21:49 Thu 03rd May 2007 | Music
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What are the lyrics for this song?


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We're busy doing nothing
Working the whole day through
Trying to find lots of things not to do
We're busy doing nothing
Isn�t it just a crime?
We'd like to be unhappy
But we never do have the time.

I have to watch the river
To see that it doesn't stop
And stick around the rosebuds
So they'll know when to pop
And keep the crickets cheerful
They're really a solemn bunch
Hustle, bustle,
And only an hour for lunch.

We're busy doing nothing� etc.

I have to watch the sun up
He's liable to sleep all day
And then inspect the rainbows
So they'll be bright and gay
I must rehearse the songbirds
To see that they sing in key
Hustle, bustle,
And never a moment free.

We're busy doing nothing� etc.

I have to meet a turtle
To teach him how to swim
I have to shine the dewdrops
They're looking rather dim
I told my friend the robin
I'd buy him a brand new nest
Hustle, bustle,
I wish I could take a rest.

We're busy doing nothing
Working the whole day through
Trying to find lots of things not to do
We're busy going nowhere
Isn't it just a crime?
We'd better make it snappy
There's another hill to climb
We'd like to be unhappy,
But we never do have the time.

We never, we never, we never, we never,
we never
Do have the time

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Busy Doing Nothing

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