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Ignoramus....who chose the name? The strings section on this song is far from tuneless. (Same applies to other tunes on both albums). Either you have no ear for music, or just threw that criticism out here without much effort. Mucko...I think he's used "plenty more fish in the sea" because it's exactly the kind of empty but well meaning thing folk say to you when you split up with someone....and it juxtaposes nicely with the rest of the lyrics in which he tell the listener exactly why, at that moment, she's the only "fish" he wants. Greedfly....the swearing is because he's frustrated and it conveys the intensity of his feelings. He doesn't swear until near the end, until his entreaties have fallen on deaf ears. it's real and not overtly contrived like oh so many ballads/love songs are. It talks about the situation in real terms, no stupid analogies, or sweeping generalisations and relates personal details about their specific relationship. It's the kind of song I'd have loved to have written as a result of getting my heart broken. it speaks to me and touches a chord. I do think it's beautiful, from the very first bars the string section play till the last note. but beauty is most definitely in the eye (ear!?) of the beholder.