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Song about being jealous of a brother . . . .

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robinhudd | 12:34 Fri 05th Oct 2007 | Music
5 Answers
I am trying to get the name / artist of a song:-

It was from the 80's or 90's and was sung by a man. It was a strange song about his brother. His parents sometimes forgot that they had two children. His brother and him.



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woh sorry i have no idea but i'm going to keep checking this page in case somebody does know- im intrigued...
Could it be "Lonely Boy" by Andrew Gold?
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Perfect Joeyjake!

Thanksa million.
-- answer removed --
I thought Lonely Boy. But that was in the 70's about his sister so it was a bit of a long shot

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Song about being jealous of a brother . . . .

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