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Dance tune

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loz1224 | 14:24 Wed 09th Jun 2004 | Music
5 Answers
does ne 1 no the name of the dance track that has the lyrics: 'I wana l l l lick u from ur head to ur toes and I wana move from the bed d d d down to the floor???????


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I thought it was ludacris- fantasy
It's by Ludacris and it's called "What's your fantasy?" as the line after the one you've mentioned goes "and i wannna uh uh, you feelin so fgood i don't wanna leave, and i wanna know what's your fantasy?" but in a more rappy kind of way - i wouldn't have called it a dance tune tho it's rnb or hip hop unless you just mean that you dance to it...or there's been a remix...
Ah joy lee ya beat me to it!!
iv got a remix version with kylie called cant lick you outta my bed. thats a bit more of a dance track
its ludacris - what's your fantasy :-D

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