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PatriciaH | 17:48 Wed 10th Oct 2007 | Music
10 Answers
Heard this today... i havent heard it for ages ... Q is as above... i love it ... it has a hunting tune i think


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I can't view it, can you tell me what it is?
dry your eyes mate...

awful, hate it.
I dont really like it........
love it! (although there's no need for him to be delivering it quite as whiney as he does, like the sentiment though)
i hated it the first time i hear it but then it really grew on me! not a big fan of the streets in general though, dont think i could listen to a whole album of theirs in one sitting!
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A "hunting" tune?

Someone needs to hunt him down and shoot him.

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Awite delboy ... typo error , i meant to type " Haunting" : )
Please post a warning in future with your youtube links. There I was expecting some aural pleasure when my ears were assaulted with this utter, utter crap.
I love the words to this song. not heard it for ages, cheers patriciaH
Legend i love kate nash too after initially hating it ! funny eh?

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