Name the carol or song. in The AnswerBank: Music
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Name the carol or song.

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hannahmay | 16:20 Sat 24th Nov 2007 | Music
5 Answers
Has anybody out there got a clue to which these lyrics of a carol, or song these come from, i am at the end of my wits with this,
54, Deep in my heart, { 10, 4 }
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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You're probably best posting this in the Quizzes and Puzzles section. They're a clever lot in there!
im sure its not a carol
I'm sure these lyrics come from the song ' We will overcome' but is that the actual title cos it doesn't fit with 10,4
i think its a protest song (we shall over come )
we shall over come .we shall over come .some day .depp in my heart .i do beleve .that we shall over come some day . (10,4 ) good buddy

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