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DavidD_UK | 20:52 Tue 13th Jul 2004 | Music
3 Answers
Hi. About 7 years ago there was a funky, jazzy, dance track which was played on a flute with a fast beat backing track. The overall feel was almost that of a Bruce Lee film. It's a long shot, but can anyone remember this? I know there's not a lot to go on here but... Thanks.


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is it 'casual sub' by ETA. The track is about 7/8 years old, and its got a flute-type instrument in it, and its a dance tune.
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Thanks for the quick reply geedogg. That's very close to the one I was thinking of, but I don't think it's it. I managed to find a brief sample MP3 of Casual Sub on the 'net but the track I'm thinking of is faster. The flute-type sound in Casual Sub is definately the sound in the track I'm thinking of though. I'm impressed that you understood what I was trying to say in my orginal question! Thanks again for your help. Any other ideas?
One song that springs to mind is 13 Kilos by The Prodigy. It's much older than 7/8 years though I think. Probably more like 10.

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