Well, I've been out driving today with my friends, the iPod was plugged in and we're singing along. But then, they started complaining that I've hardly got any songs on it.
I quite agree with them so, tonight I want to boost my song amount. Except, I can't really think of any songs I like to put on...
Ha!! I can just imagine if I'd tried suggesting what songs my two lads should listen to after the age of 13 LOL!!
Are you male or female (sometimes makes a difference)... I'm a real oldie but I love everything from the Fratellis (great to drive to if you're tired - you just sing out at the top of your voice :-) to classical and instrumentals.
I have over a 1,000 on my Ipod from the 5,000 plus I have on my computer. I could suggest all night - can you narrow it down a bit??