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iPod Music

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:Ace: | 13:59 Wed 06th Feb 2008 | Music
4 Answers
Well, I've been out driving today with my friends, the iPod was plugged in and we're singing along. But then, they started complaining that I've hardly got any songs on it.

I quite agree with them so, tonight I want to boost my song amount. Except, I can't really think of any songs I like to put on...

Any idea's? What have you got on your iPod?

All suggestions welcome, :-)



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"I like driving in my car" - Madness.

Might get more appropriate answers if you gave a steer to your age and what kind of music you like.
Question Author
You're right lol.

I'm Seventeen and I like all sorts!

Suggest away!
Return of the Dread - Dreadzone
Ha!! I can just imagine if I'd tried suggesting what songs my two lads should listen to after the age of 13 LOL!!

Are you male or female (sometimes makes a difference)... I'm a real oldie but I love everything from the Fratellis (great to drive to if you're tired - you just sing out at the top of your voice :-) to classical and instrumentals.

I have over a 1,000 on my Ipod from the 5,000 plus I have on my computer. I could suggest all night - can you narrow it down a bit??

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