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Identify the lyrics

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rolygayner | 11:33 Sun 27th Jul 2008 | Music
5 Answers
Can anyone tell me from what song comes the lyrics. "Your a woman I'm a man your supposed to understand."


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i pretty sure the artist was called peter skellon,late 70s early 80s.
Yep! Peter Skellern - Your a lady. Love this track! 70s personified! xxx
Baby jackets, mini skirts, platform boots, Peter Skellern!!! xxx
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leg, last time we were there, we were in the bus station waiting to come back & the local druggies had actually taken residency in the toilets there! They had a special knock! Couldn't believe it! lol! Half a dozen went in with cans!! That's Blackpool!! 'Turned out nice again' hee hee! xxxxx

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