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I'm leaving

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Chriswood8 | 03:07 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | Music
47 Answers
i'm going to Oz for a year and my girlfriend is very upset about it, i'm goign to make her a little photo album of us but i want to write a love song lyrics on the inside cover but i cant think of a song to write down, so can anyone give me some ideas - i'm looking for lyrics like 'She' by Elvis Costello or along those line a song about 'her'



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lower the tone vibra theres always one to spoil a nice conversation about love
even I haven't spoilt this one with smut or violence.

that is trye salla see you can be nice
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naughty horrible choice of words vibra
vibrasphere can i just say i find what you have said funny and alas probably true er perhaps with the exception of banging the Bruces (but who knows)
full circle and back to my ditty......I knew you'd see sense.

Chris hasn't even responded. If he loved the girl he wouldn't leave or would encourage her to accompany him.
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Unfortunately vibra, you may be right. But let him leave in style & giving her something to remember other than a sore vulva.

See - I can be nice (1)
I'm sticking with Paul Weller's 'English Rose' - he'll be leaving her sobbing; that's the way to do it - Nice memories 'n all that.
you are all sick sick people
I thought it was a lovely idea, very romantic, and I responded as such initially.

It is strange he hasn't answered. Maybe he's busy googling lyrics.
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one thing though that has just occurred - we are all under the assumption Chriswood is a 'he' ?
Nice idea, but it`ll probably p!ss her off even more and she`ll brain you with it

After a few months she`d have forgotten about you and met someone else anyway
true salla

you bitch how can you leave the poor man this way????
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wow over 35 replies and only about 10 that are useful funny how a question turns into a bit of a debate but thanks to the people who answered my question, yeah i'm a 'he' not a 'she' lol, but i'm not out there for what your thinking vibrasphere i'm a bit of a girl when it comes to this and prefer to 'bang' girls when theres a bit of feelings involved, hate one night stands *oh hiya i know we're doing a very Intimate thing right now, but whats your name?* (oh heres goes another debate i suspect) but anyways thanks lot got some ideas!
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lol fair enought cheers vibra
Aah Chriswood, you seem a really really nice man.
You're not Chris, my daughter's boyfriend are you?

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