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"thats what love will do"

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frodsham | 13:43 Wed 03rd Dec 2008 | Music
3 Answers
Does anyone know the guitar chord sequence for Joe brown and the bruvvers song "thats what love will do"
I have tried numerous web sites and had no luck. cheers


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Playing along to it on Youtube

It seems to be:

Intro: GCDG

Verse 1 & 2 G Em C Am D
Chorus G E.7 D/G

Middle 8: C/F C/F C/F D G ...... back to the verse

I'm away to have my tea now, I'll have a listen to the rest of it later to see if there's much more to it.

Tea not ready yet so:

Solo is just like the verse but miss out the C so it's: G Em Am D then back into the chorus
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thanks a million dr wu. Sorry I have only just replied but i was otherwise engaged.

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"thats what love will do"

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