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Highest price paid for a 45rpm

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bpoolmecca | 19:20 Thu 09th Apr 2009 | Music
3 Answers
Frank wilson Do i love (indeed i do) is currently up for auction on for �18000.What is the most expensive 45 ever


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The song is also famous as the final track played at the Wigan Casino - although some other nights were presented, there was a final all-nighter, presided over as usual by Casino DJ Russ Winstanley.
The tradditional ending of the night - well it was actually 8:00 a.m. was the 'three before eight' - three songs played to end the night - 'Time Will Pass You By' by Tobi Legend, 'Long After Tonight Is All Over' by Jimmy Radcliffe, and 'I'm On My Way' by Dean Parrish.
On the final night, Winstanley played the 'three' three times consecutively, and when he saw the crowd were not going to leave, he picked a single at random to 'break the spell' - it was Frank Wilson's 'Do I Love You?' and the song passed into legend as the final 'all-nighter' track played at the most famous Northern Soul venue ever.
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Thanks looks like it may well live up to its hype as the most expensive record in the world.Now wheres my credit card!!!!!

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Highest price paid for a 45rpm

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