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Haunting Song from start of X - Files S8

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Evilninja | 17:42 Wed 05th Aug 2009 | Music
3 Answers

Sounds like an Enya type celtic song, its played twice through the episode

Its the episode where scully comes out of hospital Mulders still missing and we first see John Doggit taking over from Kersh


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this text taken from imdb

The show starts off with a musical piece called "Scully's Theme" composed by Mark Snow. It's a beautiful score that recurs throughout the episode. It helps to emphasize the great loss that Scully now feels with Mulder missing.

hope this helps
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Yes thats the one, however has it ever been released on cd?
Yes, reached number 2 in charts in 1996

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Haunting Song from start of X - Files S8

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