I heard him on the radio last week talking about "The Streets of London" am I the only who play's this song both on guitar and on Disc and never knew it was about Paris.
The song was inspired by McTell's experiences busking and hitchhiking throughout Europe, especially in London and Paris; although the individual stories are taken from Parisians, London is chosen for its arguably more sonorous name. The song contrasts the common problems of everyday people with those of the homeless, lonely elderly, and ignored and forgotten members of society.
well I first heard the sond back on the early 1970s and It's the first I;ve heard that it hasd anything to do with paris, my mate at school Jacqui, had the Spiral Staircase LP, she was a big fan of his. I saw her in June and she still is a big fan of his actually.
Hi People Ralph was on with Simon Mayo on Friday
(I Think ) from a folk festival "Cropredy " and he asked him the question regarding "Streets of London."