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What is the title please?

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eash | 21:16 Thu 19th Nov 2009 | Music
11 Answers
Can someone tell me the title of the song Snow Patrol and Cheryl Cole sang together on the Children in Need Rocks the Albert Hall tonight please?


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set the fire to the third bar
Gary Lightbody from Snow Patrol originally sang it with Martha Wainright
Here's the brilliant original, as mentioned, eash........hope you enjoy it. :0)
Great tune
i didnt see the cheryl cole snow patrol version any good??
And from yesterdays concert broadcast too with Cheryl Cole........
snow patrol and cheryl cole
What a travesty that the distinctly third-rate Mrs Cashley should sing this, especially as Martha Wainright is over here at the moment (she was on Later ,,, )
Hi zzxxee

It was good.....a really solid performance....apparently Cheryl liked the tune a lot and jumped at the chance of the duet on the concert, when Snow Patrol asked her.

not bad
I would have to agree with you, would have been great to have Martha Wainwright sing it along with Snow Patrol........maybe they tried, but i doubt it somehow, eh?
I bet Mrs C paid to be on the show.

Never mind, here's Martha with her Mum and big brother (I've been a fan of Kate & Anna McGarrigle for more years than I care to remember)
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Thanks for all the answers :-)

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