Certain eras puke out stuff that I despise at the time, though sometimes later on I relent.
In the 1980s I HATED the following: ANYTHING by Kyle Minogue/Jason Donovan and (especially) Rick Astley. In the 90s I wasn't too plussed by Oasis (I hated what seemed like an audible sneer in their voices).
These days pretty much anything by the likes of Jay-Z et al. I can't stand that quacky aggressive phoney gangstery rap and that 'look' it seems to attract - you know;
Plebby British middle class white kids pretending to be black, downtrodden and from Brooklyn. Jogging bottoms at half-mast, dangling 'bling', little bits of eyebrows missing and that ridiculous hood up with baseball cap squashed down on top.
Now look what you've done! I'm on one now ........bruv.
...and Van Morrison.