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Ticketmaster - arrrrrhhh

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Hazel104 | 10:31 Fri 26th Mar 2010 | Music
4 Answers
Today is the SECOND time this year I have not been able to get tickets for gigs I want.
Why oh why do Ticketmaster say they are sold AT 9am??

Has anyone used Seatwave - I can get the tickets I want at more than double the normal price, but not sure how legit they are. Had a look around and they seem OK apart from the inflated prices!


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i used to pay for the ticketmaster priority member scheme, what a load of cr@p that was.
very quick at taking your money and very slow at paying you back.
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I'm going to spend the weekend singing up to bands websites so I get a chance at pre-sale tickets, thing is you have all the maishots from them clogging up your email.
Grumpy ;-(
think one of the tricks in buying decent tickets is to buy from one of the smaller outlets.
I went obn this morning and had trouble and the clock ticking just makes you make more errors. Then theres that verify $%^^& thing.

But I did get them off to see Squeeze....... In DECEMBER

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Ticketmaster - arrrrrhhh

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