Storytime with Uncle Clackie - does anyone know anything about this ? in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Storytime with Uncle Clackie - does anyone know anything about this ?

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Evilninja | 15:19 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
It was a kids TV programme in the 1960 or 1970`s i think, but i have two albums but cant find any reference to them....

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Do you mean you can't find any reference to the albums or the TV series?

If it was a TV series, there would be a copyright notice and publication date on the LPs that would give you a clue to start with. That would tell you if it was BBC, ITV and American or Australian TV show and the year it was likely to have been shown.
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Hi Tony

if only that were the case!

I have a date of 1975 on one of the LP`s, and that it was narrated by Clark McKay that is it other than it states A DJ PRODUCTION no other reference at all, my partner seems to believe it was a TV program that her kids used to watch?
Thanks for the additional info.

It sounds to me like a record-only production, but I could be wrong. It may have been on a regional ITV or BBC programme, something not broadcast nationally.

I believe the BBC are working on an on-line database of all their programmes from the earliest days. Though that doesn't help if it was on ITV.

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Storytime with Uncle Clackie - does anyone know anything about this ?

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