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Tiger Feet by?

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237SJ | 22:37 Fri 12th Nov 2010 | Music
39 Answers
That song Tiger Feet has just come onto my fantastic local radio station that plays music from my school days. Was it sung by Mud, or the Rubettes, and which year was it? Must have been the early 70s


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Mud 1974
I can't help thinking of that song whenever I see a road sign that says "mud on road"
^Well that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right.............:o)
Question Author
Thanks. I loved that song when I was 12. I thought I read somewhere that the lead singer of Mud died a while ago. Am I right?
As Mark indicates, it was definitely Mud.

I remember them performing it live at our college ball while I was trying (successfully!) to chat up a very attractive young lady while they performed ;-)
Why let it go to waste ?

Well that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right.............:o)
Mud's lead singer, Les Gray, died in 2004:
> to chat up a very attractive young lady

Did she flash her warning lights just as long as she liked...?
and that's neat that's neat that's neat that's neat
Hi Mark.
Her bright red hair should have acted as a warning to any fella' ;-)
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Just looked at your link Mark - I`m sorry to see that. I suspected something happened to him but I wasn`t sure. I didn`t know it was that long ago either
I really love your tiger feet,
Your tiger feet
Your tiger feet ♫
I was working in a record shop that year and Les Gray and his group were doing a promo tour with EMI and they came to the store, I stood next to him trying not to get crushed by the counter as dozens of 12 year old kids tried to grab him, he just laughed about it,
actually it had to be 1976 cos that was the year that store opened, i think blue christmas was their hit that year
no lonely this christmas was it?
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Was that in London, and which year was it?
errrr no it was in Ormskirk lol and defo 1976.
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I don`t know which song was no 1 at christmas 1976 Dotty, but I think 1976 was one of the best years ever for music.. OK, I was 13 and one always remembers what was playing when they were young because it makes an impact, but that was a good year.

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