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Leonard Cohen

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Stargazer | 13:30 Sat 20th Nov 2010 | Music
8 Answers
Did anyone watch Leonard Coehn last evening? It was utterly compelling.


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He's got a brand new autobiography out and it is heavy going but also compelling, genius
I love the guy............he makes me laugh ! :o)
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O found watching this programme hypnotic and can't find the words to describe my feelings. Something ethereal about him and his words and music.
Blast - I missed it - my favourite is 'I'm your man'
I was hooked in the 1970s on Suzanne, Bird on a Wire, Sisters of Mercy, etc.... compelling stuff.
Reminds me of my ex..........

yeah Boxy, I started work in as record shop in 1972 and had never heard of him really, but we sold loads of his albums as there was a teacher trainin college in the town and they students were mad fore him. I love I;m your man too but that was 25 years after Susanne!
First we take manhattan I love off that cd.

It;s the soundtrack to that tom berenger film with elizabeth perkins
I must dig out my CDs.... but it'll have to wait, the rugby starts in twenty minutes!

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Leonard Cohen

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