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askjeeves2010 | 00:05 Wed 08th Dec 2010 | Music
8 Answers
Can anyone tell me the name & artist of this song please? It has the lyrics "Come on everybody take a trip with me" & "Down in Mississippi down to New Orleans".
Thank you!


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New Orleans .. but it's been covered by almost everyone.
... Neil Diamond is a good place to start as any.
I quite liked Gillan's version.
The version I first remember was by a group called sometjing like Harlequinade in 1971/72 but it had been sung by others earlier
One wonders if the first question by this username might be a sign of things to come?
the song is new orleans but the best version is by gary us bonds
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Can you please explain what you mean NazNomad?
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Thanks everyone.

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