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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
Demontrators from New York to Atlanta to San Francisco have taken to the streets in a large massive protest against the Musk Trump coalition Govt. Mainly calling for Musk to Go Away. Because No... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd0j0p991mlo No specifics about the attacker. At least it was a knife attack. Summat to on half-term holiday? Usual dance? ...
//Successive governments trying to look "tough on crime" have driven the rising prison population which forced the early release of thousands of inmates last year, a review suggests. The report by... ...
Mr and Mrs Foreman were arrested in January but news of their detention, on unspecified security charges, emerged last week. Judiciary spokesman Asghar Jahangir said that the couple, both aged 52,... ...
Seem to be under siege day-to-day. Whatever you do, don't rely on fair play or a level playing field when up against a minority. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3d5d0x97vyo ...
Nigel Farage's Reform Party is more Trusted than Tories a Bombshell poll has revealed. A YouGove poll revealed 19% of voters trust Reform compared to only 11% trust the Cons.Wow🤣.
Or evidence the the 'peace' part in the hackneyed description of the organisation may be overstated? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c05l33j7rq7o ...
https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/uk/starmer-confirms-hes-prepared-to-put-british-troops-on-the-ground-in-ukraine/ kier starmer has said that he is willing to commit british ground forces to ukraine... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cgq0x30kkldo No doubt Lammy's just making the expected noises but yes we must increase defence spending. 2.5% GDP is a start but really we should be looking at... ...
https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1i4v711/robbie_moore_mpi_have_just_been_to_an_event_in/ "Robbie Moore MP:I have just been to an event in Keighley and a former Lord Mayor of Bradford,... ...
I was going to put it on my other thread but decided to create a new thread for the nice people to ignore. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cew5v48w54qo ...