Oh whilst I am about it
Goering's war crimes trial ( the one where the american lawyer - ex supreme ct judge - screws it up) - was marked by the plea: " you cant screw me for indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations because the Allies did it themselves"
and look what I found a few days ago: The White Rabbit: played by Kenneth More - Frederick Yeo Thomas, french resister, appears at Nuremberg at the trial of skorzeny ( the one what rescued Musso inter alia). YT says the charge of dressing in the enemies uniforms and er shooting them would have to be abandoned, as the Americans did it as well.
Le dernier jour du procès du commando allemand Otto Skorzeny, le 9 septembre 1947, son témoignage contribue à l'abandon d'un chef d'accusation, celui de port d'uniforme ennemi, et finalement à l'acquittement de Skorzeny.
My siblings met Yeo Thomas in Paris but I was too young 1957
Legal process may not be the answer