In all honesty, my view is that any foreigner who breaks the law here (and no, I am not talking parking fines!) should be sent back to the country of his / her origine, regardless of how they might be treated there. I lived in Germany for 28 years and in France for 4 and always respected the traditions and cultures of the country I was in, never would have even thought of breaking any of their laws. We are far too soft on those who come here and disrespect our laws and ways. I also think we should curtail the number of people entering this country, just like so many others do, i.e. the US, Switzerland etc.. It has to be recognised that as much as foreigners can be wonderful people to have living amongs us and working with us, this is a small and beautiful country and realistically its government should be limiting the entry numbers so that the country does not lose its identity. I know it is late in the day, but this situation still can be rememdied to some degree.