Hi naomi,
Its really an anti New Labour tirade, and I think because of them, this country, (England) is on an unstoppable path to nationwide riots, death, detruction, and takeover by an imported religious group, its being allowed to happen, and is actively being encouraged by this goverment, again, I say England, as opposed to what history will record as once the United Kingdom.
I voted for them in '97', worst vote I ever made, hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it.
I realised approx two years after they got in, what their national aims were, the 'Destruction of England', di you know that its now illegal, and has been for a few years, to say, on official forms, that you are English?. thats fact, you can say your Scottish, Welsh, Irish, but not English.
Regional Assemblies, they were voted out, but in fact, they are coming in by the back door, the plan there, (sounds far fetched, but sit back and watch), is to divide England into area's, each area to have its own name, and the name England is to go.
I could carry on, but thats enough for now, loads more if you want it.
I served and fought for this country, and was proud to do it, but not now,
There are a few countries I could go to, would love to, but can't leave, because of my home situation,
Sorry if I sound a bit extreme, but I just feel sick at whats happening.