The rise in oil prices pushed inflation out of the BofEs control. Everyones fuel costs (private and business) rocketed. Now oil prices have fallen back massively (virtually a quarter their peak price), but Gordon has made Britain so unattractive to investors, that our currency has collapsed against the dollar and euro. As oil is priced in dollars, every country is now getting proportionately cheaper oil than we are. Gordon claimed we were better placed than other economies to weather the recession, and has refused to support the pound, or more likely - he doesn't have the funds to support the pound, he gave it all to the banks. Unfortunately, only the Cabinet believe we are in better shape than others, or are just in denial. The World Bank, IMF and speculators worldwide, all of them disagree with Gordon.
As such, we are at a disadvantage to the USA and Eurozone, who are paying less for fuel, which will benefit their businesses.
Gordon Brown earnt the image of being frugal at the beginning of Tony Blairs government, by exercising cut backs and economising in government departments. He promised that the savings would be used to help regenerate the country. Manchester was promised an extension to its Metrolink service by Transport Minister Stephen Byers, who resigned in shame. He was replaced by Alistair Darling, who re-iterated the proposal twice, before running out of money and cancelling the whole plan. This week, Manchester voted no to a referendum offering us the same improvements Manchester had been promised, but this time by having a congestion charge area 10 times larger than Londons! All the money Gordon saved, he squandered, and it never went where it should have. Now, government wastage is just as bad as it was under the Tories. If things were so good, why did this money just drip away, shoring up other spending? Because, they were false economies in the first place.