If there was a referendum on the European Union I believe most people would want to reduce the EU influence on the UK and have it as a trading agreement only. The major political parties offer a...
Many people criticise our coalition government, but don't say what they envisage as an alternative. Short of an overall majority by one party what other arrangement could there be? An alternative vote...
There are many reasons as to why countries find it hard to meet and maintain their obligations to ensure economic stability of the EU, and these reasons can be attributed to several groups. One of...
In my constituency it was a two horse race between Conservative and Liberal Democrats. So if I had voted UKIP then this basically means one less vote for Conservative, helping the Liberals, a vote for...
Anyone else been watching these?
It's a bit late for anyone who hasn't because today is the last but they are the aggressively interrogative format that the leaders' debates should have been....
I cannot seem to find this quote anywhere but recall it from a part conference I think - Margaret Thatcher wearing a red rose addressed conference saying "the rose i wear is not that of the labour...
how much would it cost to hold an election for ONE seat on a local town council, and how much would it cost to hold the same election on the same day as the County Council and Euro elections?...a...
David Cameron lives in Notting Hill which causes him problems at the festival every year. There are so many band wagons he doesn't know which one to jump on.