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Are We Going To Regret This Ruling?

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TWR | 09:24 Tue 31st Dec 2013 | Politics
55 Answers
EU Ruling, Allowing more into the UK?


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// they do not see the problem regards Schools, NHS, Housing, benefits,//

think this thread covers some of that TWR,why don't you read what has already been said before you start hitting out at others in an uniformed rant?
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The only thing I can say Zac, I have worked HERE all my life, I have paid into a system that I am entitled to recoup from, I have paid my taxes, I've never scrounged off the state, nor do I intend to, I have abided by the law of the UK & Any other country I have had the fortune to visit, but there we go. the doors open, & the kettle is boiling, its a pity people can not see what's happening.
baldric, had already posted that link from this morning, perhaps he can have a read... and see what others think
I'd prefer 'those who have a realistic, unbiased view'. I care very much what happens to my country but I'm not swayed by media (or politician) grabbing headlines. We (my family) made the decision to move to where we live as our native W Yorks was turning into a Londonesque rat race. A local town had a massive influx of Polish people but I have yet to see, or hear, of ANY problems that they have caused.
Although TWR's question is related to other threads, he is actually asking a different question. Nothing wrong with that. It's a good question.
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If you call an opinion of " ONE'S RANT" as you put it, One has it wrong, Does'nt one.
TWR, people can see what's happening. Please read the links and you might just get a few facts out of it such as the UK government being pretty powerless to do anything about it. AB can be a great educator if you let it.
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Thank you Naomi, one did not think the one posted a RANT as others put it! but "ONE COULD BE WRONG" could'nt one?
just because people don't answer your thread, doesn't mean they don't care or aren't worried or can't see what you mean. All it proves is that they don't want to answer your thread

Had seen it em, was just using it as an example in the hope that TWR might read it and realise others do agree with him and not keep going-off half cocked.
Just boils down to the same thing tho Naomi which HAS been debated ad nauseum in other threads.
Exactly Balders.
>"... I have paid my taxes, I've never scrounged off the state, nor do I intend to, I have abided by the law of the UK & Any other country I have had the fortune to visit"
Some of those coming here may do the same once here.
There will be some coming here just to get better benefits/healthcare but are they any more of a drain than many hundreds of thousands of Brits who take out but never pay in.

Yes, I do agree it's wrong in principle to allow such free movement when there are big differences in benefits between countries, but I don't think there's much that can be done, short of pulling out of Europe- and that probably will be cutting off our nose to spite our face.
Sorry, I should have posted on the existing threads, but as I just dip in and out I hadn't seen the other threads
The EU ruling is wrong, the EU is wrong, for Britain, British people,
it's a foolhardy venture that has caused untold misery for many across the whole EU region, small nations that have not been able to ably support themselves, bailed out with billions of taxpayers money, Germany leading this charge to federalisation, wanting to unify us in a way that has taken many people's rights, across the EU and not specific to Britain.
Its a junket for men in suits, a useless and wasteful spend spend spend of ordinary people's hard earned money. Time we got out and stayed out
it won't happen with any of the coalition nor indeed with Labour, not now or in the foreseeable future, if ever we adopt the Euro then say goodbye Britain. They want to unify the banking system, what next, tax systems,
this is a true folly that endless politicians have fallen into, common market was the original aim, we are a world away from that now.

we won't fall to bits if we leave, we won't go down the proverbial pan,
we didn't have the European union before, and we don't need it now.
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I've plenty to do Beds, I'll still sleep tonight if they answer or not, we are all entitled to our opinion, One has not taken any offence Baldric.
See, we're just going over old ground again now! Yawn.
zacs, whilst i have, friends, relatives who live outside the capital have seen their little habitats turned into shanty towns, full up with drunken polish blokes, some work some don't, but they are heavy drinkers, and that has taken it's toll on these small communities. The police knows its a problem, they want them moved on, but are unable to do so, rules are rules.

TWR, I am so pleased one didn't.

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