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12 Labour Mp's Supporting Brexit

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pantonsteve | 23:36 Thu 21st Apr 2016 | Politics
16 Answers
hi - i'm just watching kate hoey on question time and she's said that there are herself and 11 other labour mp's that are firmly in the brexit camp

i believe 3 other mp's are gisela stuart, dennis skinner and graham stringer so does anybody know who the other 8 are . i've searched on google etc but to no avail


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are the lunatic asylums not big enough to cope with the influxof these gtroublesome people ?
//12 Labour Mp's Supporting Brexit//
Are they disciples?
But there are 229 Labour MPs, so who are the ~100 other Brexiters who are too nervous to come out of the closet ?
Don't worry, OG, the government is announcing a major investment programme to build loony bins to take the manic and depressed Brexiters after the vote.. More seriously why the want to suppress free speech and opinion? - wit the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Obama - the Brexiters are doing themselves damage with such pug-headed introspection, all the worst traits of being little Britishers.
//Don't worry, OG, the government is announcing a major investment programme to build loony bins to take the manic and depressed Brexiters after the vote//

More likely that EUSSR will create gulags to detain the dissenters. Just like all the dictatorships have.
Free speech is one thing, powerful characters from outside this country sticking their nose in to persuade us to do what is better for them is a very different thing.

It's a deliberate attempt to sway the undecided and make the debate no longer "a level playing field", and is morally wrong.

Some don't seem to realise that some 'rights' overlap and in such situations one is supposed to have the intelligence to realise which has priority and the self discipline to restrain themselves.
I for one applaud his intervention (and don't forget Blair's supposed intervention post 9-11 when Bush was like a jack-rabbit in the head-lights and ready to push the button) - there's also no difference to us voicing our concerns about Donald Trump and I am sure there will be plenty of rhetoric on that front from our politicians as the 'confrontational' convention approaches. Good on him - and why are you running scared of this?
Why are you pretending that folk who rightfully object to interference are running scared ? Is it wishful thinking on your part ? Or a desire to justify any dirty trick going ? Or maybe something else ?
No I believe in freedom of speech - which it appears many Brexiters do not. Disgraceful - and I would also suggest reading what Obama wrote as he does refer to the right for the Brits to decide themselves - it's extremely well written.
Freedom of speech is not an all or nothing thing. Most believe in it but most realise there are times for self control. Such as the classic, yelling "FIRE !" in a crowded cinema when nothing is actually on fire. Or inciting someone to violence is another one. As is sticking your oar into another country's decison.
He opined, he did not say 'Fire' or something stupid.....come on get a grip on yourself.

Let's be clear about one thing he tempered his opinion with, just in case you are pontificating without actually reading what he wrote or have 'conveniently' forgotten, I quote "But also I understand that there's a spirited campaign underway here. My country is going through much the same. And ultimately, the question of whether or not the UK remains a part of the EU is a matter for British voters to decide for yourselves."

That is pretty clear.
And it's written ahead of his opinion, bottom of column 1 on a 4 column spread across 1/3rd of a page.
I don't believe it is I who needs to get a grip.

Yes sure it's easy to dismiss his statements as nothing if he tries to excuse it by adding, "it's a matter for the British voter", but no one is naive enough to think that British (or any) decision can not be influenced. That is the whole issue.
well, we will agree to disagree......
Dennis Skinner has been told to leave the chamber that many times that an EXIT from the EU would be natural for him to vote for. :-)
lol retrocop, very true, a very dodgy character indeed!

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12 Labour Mp's Supporting Brexit

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