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Why Labour Isn't Working.........

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ToraToraTora | 10:26 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Politics
4 Answers

Socialists hate prosperity, their voters are people who think and envy like they do. When people prosper they tend to see through socialism. That's why labour and socialists genarally hate it when people work hard to improve themselves. They want people to stay poor and hate those that bettered themselves. Of course they have no idea where the money to pay for their fantasies comes from. It comes from those they hate and seek to irradicate. When they find a magic money tree they do not think to take some of what it has and let it grow more money or even propagate its seed into new money trees. They take what is there and hack that tree down. Eventually they run out of the money trees but they never seem to connect the dots.



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Socialists don't hate prosperity.  You think all Labour politicians are not prosperous ?  What the crux belief is, is that it should be fairly distributed. That one person can't abuse others in order to grab vast amounts of a country's wealth for themselves while other hard working individuals end up with a pittance. That society is for the benefit for all rather than those capable of manipulating the "game" in their favour. Naturally most politicians aren't 100% behind the ideals, but they claim to identify with them.

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OG: "Socialists don't hate prosperity.  You think all Labour politicians are not prosperous ?" - apologies I should have said they hate prosperity in everyone but themselves.

10.40 Good Question.

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Why Labour Isn't Working.........

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