I truly hate this government and I will never, ever vote Labour again. If my father, a Desert Rat, a lifelong Labour voter and proud of his country, could see it now he'd be devastated, and rightly so. What did he fight for - and what is there to be proud of any more? Nothing that I can see, and it breaks my heart. I had a first class state education at a excellent grammar school which opened the world up to me and gave me every opportunity, and until this government came to power I felt safe when I went into hospital, I knew the police were my friends and I knew that justice would be done in the courts, but that doesn't apply any more. This isn't my country and this government is not working for the silent majority of honest, hardworking people here. In fact, honest, hardworking people are the lowest on the list. I'm not quite sure what this government's aim is, or where this monstrous mess they've created will end, and quite frankly, I dread to think!
Bet you regret asking now, NJOK. Sorry - but, boy, did I enjoy that!!