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Is Cameron's speech on immigration too late?

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rov1100 | 11:33 Thu 14th Apr 2011 | News
44 Answers
All the posturing by politicians about immigration has not achieved anything. Has he now realised the situation cannot coninue or will it be much of the same?


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Here's an idea - INCREASE immigration, and force mixed marriages so that fifty years down the line, everyone is bi-racial.

End of prejudice and racism.

End of arguments (from certain quarters) over the inferiority of certain races.

End of any worries about skin cancer.

That's the Utopian dream - everyone will be good looking like Leona Lewis, Halle Berry or Myleene Klass.

(Although, by the same token, it could go hideously wrong - Craig Charles).
Once again a racist thread from sp

He is openly suggesting that the Black race is superior.

But I am afraid his Utopian dream would not work, you would get differences breaking out, 'I am pure African' you are only 'Caribbean' I am true Black you are only half and half.
Why mention craig i thought Kryton was the minger
IMO to consider that welfare allows folk to not take jobs, and so pulls in immigrant workers, is to state the problem the wrong way around. Ok accepted it is rarely one cause or another but a combination of factors, but it seems to me a basic welfare should allow a country's citizens to avoid being used as a cheap resource in unsuitable working conditions by unscrupulous potential employers fighting for financial gain no matter what the cost. If the employers then claim to need to short circuit the market system by employing cheaper labour from abroad, labour who believe the wage is generous and conditions fine compared to their country of origin, then that is scandalous. If labour could not be imported then the domestic labour market would work better since a decent balance between labour and reward is more likely to be reached. The right thing to do is accept that he country is full and that immigration should cease aside from special cases and genuine asylum seekers. With that avenue blocked this better balance is achievable.
When I was a boy I used to live in Moss Side with my parents. We had to move because of the immigrants taking over and bringing with them drugs violence and operating brothels etc.

We were moved about 4/5 miles away and after another 3 years we had to move again for the same reason but this time to Stretford, where I left many years ago but been told its going the same way.

I'm in Suffolk now and very happy, but feel sorry for the British folks who live in big city's where they cant escape.
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I agree Geezer, only a freeze on immigration would work. Any exceptions have been breeched time and time again.
Unfortunately it is not just immigration, it is the ones who are already here, over-breeding.
God - there are some real thickos on this thread.

Well, just one.
Question to the non-idiots on this thread - does mixed race mean black? if so, do those who complained about Obama being referred to as 'black' now agree mixed race means mixed race?

For Christ's sake...
I get ya SP...!!
sp1814, have this on me. :)
ummmm - stunning innit!!

douglas9401 - right on mate (although I always thought the lead singer should've had her teeth done).
My jaw actually dropped.
Yellow Chinky?! How racist!
Judge Cameron and the Tories by they do, not what they say.

There are elections in 3 weeks time. Cameron is now saying what the grassrootes Tories want to hear (and they are hearing it on this thread).

After the May elections, and they have your vote, they will ignore you for another 12 months. Ever thought you'd been had?
In the early 1950's, textile mill owners around West Yorkshire insisted on 3 shift working. The unions accepted this but wanted better pay rates for the night shift.
The owners refused and hit on the solution of bringing in workers from Pakistan and India at much lower rates. When they realised what a source of cheap labour this was they then brought even more people in for the day and night shifts.
Within 5 years the mills were predominantly asian staffed. following that every worker had a brother. cousin or parents to bring in and that set the ball rolling.
The dilemma of immigration is that while many immigrants bring in skills which help the economy to grow, the great majority have little contribution to make to the growth of the G.D.P. of Britain which has to be export led. Until the standard of living here matches that of the places they come from there will always be an incentive for the second type to find this country attractive.

Somebody has to bite the bullet and sort the issue out, either by creating a new industrial revolution or draconian restrictions on immigration, well enforced.

Otherwise we are not being fair to the incomers who have made Britain their home.

My granddaughter is mixed race and I have no racial axe to ground per se.

Oh my you do show yourself up when you loose your rag, which is typical apparently.

First it would seem all those that disagree with you are either thickos, or idiots.

Ever thought that those insults could refer to you, but others are far too polite and they also show breeding, which prevents them from using them?

/// does mixed race mean black? ///

Yes most people who are 'Black Mixed Race', class themselves as black.

I presume you are referring to Obama the first 'BLACK' president of the United States?
although we have always been an island of immigrants (just go back through history and indeed into pre history), I thought what morleyman was referring to was in fact a London led thing post WW2 when the Caribbean folk came in and took work there, then followed by the Indian sub continent crew.

I am happy to "blame" Yorkshire for getting us into this predicament though - bloody Tykes! (lol)

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